If God Does Not Exist Neither Can We

God, who is revealed to us in the Bible, is not diminished when we deny his existence; we are. Think for a bit about this very moment of your life. Right now, your mind, without a sound, is receiving communication from my mind, and I made this communication silently as well. Of course, the same communication could have occurred if I projected a series of sounds through the air that rattled against your eardrums.

You are a being of body and spirit. You have an intricate muscular and skeletal system keeping you from collapsing. A respiratory and digestive system are supplying a circulatory system that is nourishing your muscles and bones, and your nervous system is involved in all of it. Some of the acts you are doing at this moment, like reading, are voluntary, but thousands of acts are involuntary. You continue to do them without even thinking about it.

With all of this going on, your mind is processing hundreds of little markings into words that have meaning. You then continue to process the specific sense in which I intended those words by analyzing how I have linked those words together in sentences. All of this happens in mere seconds. Your ability for communication and knowledge is miraculous.

There is more to it than that. Your non-material conscious mind is analyzing and judging what I have written to determine if it is trustworthy. To do that, you are relying upon a universal, transcendent, unchanging reality known as the laws of logic. These laws are an expression of God’s mind in creation, and our ability to think thoughts after him is a communicable attribute. If these laws are not universal, transcendent, or unchanging, there is no reason to place our trust in them, and trusting them is what we are doing. In denying God, the naturalistic worldview cannot account for such universal realities as the law of logic.

On top of that, you are judging this post for its moral content. As you agree or disagree, you are determining whether my words align with or violate a standard of good and evil. You cannot do otherwise. As a created being, you are a moral creature. You have your Creator’s law written on your heart. Many try to deny this reality by explaining it away as evolutionary programming, but simply because something has been programmed does not mean it is good. You can never get from what is to what ought to be in a naturalistic worldview. Yet, those who deny their reality as beings made by a personal God and deny the existence of moral truth will continue to contradict themselves and live as if morality is a universal reality that applies to all people.

Though we often violate what we know to be right, this moral reality is such a part of our human nature it is the very reason most of you can read this post in safety. Societal structures built upon these moral truths protect you. For those of you who are not safe right now, you know that it is wrong. Your sense of justice, and ours as well, rises within to correct it. We are praying for you. The idea of justice is not some fanciful whim; it corresponds to the standard of good and evil grounded in God himself.

I have barely begun to scratch the surface. Time does not permit me to go into any depth to the fact that, while you are reading this, gravity is holding you to a large planetary body. That globe is spinning through space orbiting an intensely massive burning star that is supplying your body with heat, food for your digestive system, and thousands of other benefits. God is not only our Creator; he is also our Sustainer.

Believing that matter came from nothing, that life came from non-life, that conscious personhood came from non-personhood, that truth is a mere social construct, and that there are no moral absolutes violates every semblance of logic, truth, and communication you have been using to process and judge my writing. I agree with Francis Schaeffer when he says, “I am more certain of the existence of God than I am of my own existence.” God does not cease to exist when we deny him; we do.

-D. Eaton

6 thoughts on “If God Does Not Exist Neither Can We

  1. You say “ Time does not permit me to go into any depth…” Is there a book or podcast where you have been able to go into more depth? I find this fascinating and I’d love to go into more depth about it.


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