3 Ways to Stay Focused While Praying

With this truth in my heart, that God hears and answers prayer, I sit down determined to pray. Then, three or four sentences in, I am thinking about my to-do list at work or that I need to buy gasoline for the mower. I assume I am not alone in my struggle to stay on task while praying. With this in mind, here are three ways to mitigate mental drift while praying. CLICK TO READ MORE.

How to Wait Patiently for the Lord’s Return

The days are evil, and some professing Christians are wandering from the faith. Others are sick, and many are suffering. Considering all of this, be patient until the coming of the Lord (James 5:7). Some who hold power will use it to condemn the righteous. But take heart, Jesus will overthrow their authority on the day of … Continue reading How to Wait Patiently for the Lord’s Return

Fertility Is Not A Disease

The sexual revolution has so altered the worldview of many that we now often treat fertility as a disease. For women, fertility has ruined careers, holds the glass ceiling in place, and, before the technology was invented to end its tyrannical reign, it even kept women from fulfilling their purpose in life by forcing them to neglect their careers and devote time to nurturing their families. Thankfully, to the secular mind, science has overcome this atrocity, but are we looking for fulfillment in the wrong places?... CLICK TO READ MORE

King of the Jews

As he rode into Jerusalem, the people loved him. They assume he was coming to launch a political overthrow of Rome. As the week progressed, however, he failed to meet their expectations. Instead of heading to the center of Rome’s political authority, he went to the temple and began clearing out the corruption. By the end of the week, it was clear that he was not who they wanted him to be... CLICK TO READ

“Justified by Works” (Understanding James 2:24)

If faith without works is dead and we are justified by works and not faith alone, as James suggests, is there a contradiction in scripture? Paul says we are justified by faith apart from works. What is going on with these two passages of scripture? This article takes a quick look at this issue. CLICK TO READ…

Twitter Anger and the Righteousness of God

If we are not angry about something today, then it seems we must lack virtue. How could the cultural dialogue surrounding gender, sexuality, abortion, racism, and countless other issues not lead to anger? You would almost have to be dead inside or extremely apathetic not to be triggered by these things. The problem is that the majority of our anger is not godly. It is contrary to the righteousness of God... CLICK TO READ MORE