What the World Needs Most from the Church

This sermon delivered at First Artesia CRC unpacks 2 Timothy 4:1-5 in three heads. 1. Why preaching the Word is the most important activity of the church. 2. What is preaching? 3. Three ways Christians neglect the preaching of the word.

Puritan Advice for Christian Controversy on Social Media

You may be sure that most quarrels among Christians on social media tend to the ruin of the Church, the hindrance of the gospel, and the injury of the common interest of Christianity. You know ungodly divisions are greatly condemned in the scriptures, and that they are usually the result of pride, uncharitableness, and temper, … Continue reading Puritan Advice for Christian Controversy on Social Media

The Disappearance of Corporate Worship

Over the years, corporate worship in many churches has been vanishing. The calling of the local church, first and foremost, is to gather for worship, but we do it much less frequently now than we did in the past. Sinclair Ferguson has a test he likes to apply to those who tell him that the … Continue reading The Disappearance of Corporate Worship

The Frustrating (and Liberating) Secret of the Apostle Paul

"Come on, Apostle Paul! Are you serious?" That is an understandably frustrated response to Paul's cryptic phrase, "I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need" (Phil 4:12). Why is frustration to this verse so understandable? Because Paul does not share his secret! Before this sentence, he discusses the Philippians' renewed … Continue reading The Frustrating (and Liberating) Secret of the Apostle Paul

The Yoke of Christ

The "yoke" symbolizes subjection and obedience. The yoke of Jesus includes the subjection of the understanding to His teaching. We must receive the kingdom of God as little children. All that He says, we must believe; and all that He commands, we must do. The yoke of Jesus includes the subjection of the conscience to … Continue reading The Yoke of Christ

Are There Great Men of God?

Paul Washer, the great man of God, often says, “There is no such thing as a great man of God, only weak, pitiful, faithless men of a great and merciful God.” Is he right? Before we seek to answer that question from a biblical perspective, we should recognize the importance of the question. This question … Continue reading Are There Great Men of God?