Hope Shone Forth From An Infant Child: A Christmas Poem

Hope shone forth from an infant child,
in the manger that cold dark night.
In humility, God himself appeared mild,
yet His plan moved forth in all its might.

Salvation to humanity was born;
the angels could not help but sing.
This Infant Child would bear our scorn;
the newborn Sovereign King.

Helpless was mankind in sin
until the star shone forth its light.
Our salvation to begin,
bringing hope to the contrite.

The sin we bear has shown us guilty,
under the righteousness of God.
Our defense is proven faulty,
as He sees through our façade.

But this Child would fulfill
the law that we could not.
And by our sin, His blood we’d spill
to pay our debt and take our lot.

There is no guilt, which can’t be cleansed;
the darkest stains can be removed
When His Grace has been dispensed,
by Jesus Christ, in Him approved.

Let us worship the infant child;
born, a life, to set us free.
With His grace, upon us smiled;
infant born of sovereign decree.

– D. Eaton –

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